Piste on Piste

If you’re looking for a new take on three-player snooker rules, and a scoreboard app to go with them, you’ve found the right place.

Read the Three-Player Snooker Rules, or the Finnish translation Kolmen pelaajan snooker-säännöt.

Launch the latest release of the Piste on Piste scoreboard app.

The scoreboard app is a fairly simple single-page application. After launching, internet connection is not required. All state is stored in browser local storage only, and never sent anywhere. The app currently works best in tablet size screens in landscape.

There’s a rudimentary Piste on Piste Manual for the app, covering the basics.


The saved games might not work across scoreboard app versions. If you start a game using one version of the app, please finish it using the same version. The app version is visible in the URL.

If you have any issues, questions or comments about the rules or the scoreboard app, please see the Piste on Piste GitHub project page.